Well, besides just sharing my priceless experience, I'd love to take a moment to share with you guys on some useful tips for packing i encountered along the way!
1. Rolling Technique
Trust me when i say this but somehow it seems that bags will hold more if the clothes are rolled rather than folded. The clothes will also get less wrinkled. This technique definitely works for shirts, pants, shorts, skirts and dresses.
2. Toiletries
If you are staying at a middle or high class hotel that will offer complimentary toiletries -- use them! Don't bring your own big shampoo and conditioner bottles to the hotel and then stuff the hotel ones in your luggage to take home. If you don't use them on the road, you'll probably never use them at home.
3. Plastic Bags
It is always handy to have a few plastic bags around. Not only does it counter any leaking, the bags can also come in useful to keep dirty clothes in, as garbage bags or even as a makeshift umbrella. Ziplock or other airtight plastic bags also comes in handy.
4. Tags
Remove old destination tags on your luggage to avoid confusion. Instead, you can tie a coloured ribbon or write your name on a tape and paste it on your luggage so you can easily identify it on the conveyor belt.
5. Medicine Box
Pack a small first – aid kit of over the counter medicines equipped to deal with small health hazards. A tube of antiseptic, pills for migraines, headaches and stomach upsets are essential. Contact lenses are also equally important.
6. Mix n Match
To play safe, Choose dark (black, dark blue, purple, green, dark red) or neutral (all browns and shades of gray) colored clothing, so any dirt or stains acquired along the way won't be too apparent. Try to stick to two or three colors, so that all your clothes mix and match.
7. Wear your heaviest clothes
8. Pile them on!
According to GoEurope, rolling more clothes together is even better! Quoted by the website, "Bigger radius means even fewer wrinkles."